About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Revista da Associação Brasileira de Nutrição (RASBRAN) has as its goal the publishing of scientific texts essentially about Nutrition and its correlative areas. It aims to contribute to the generation of knowledge, access to information and multidisciplinary debate linked to the subject of nutrition through Works, such as: original articles, integrative review, systematic review, case report and review.

Peer-review Evaluation Process

The evaluation process of the submitted texts obeys the following steps:

1) The preliminary evaluation according to: the magazine’s general scope, the instructions given to Authors in which it is verified if the text follows the required format, assuring that the text is without the authors’ identification and plagiarism tracking using the Similarity Check system. In this step, the text can be sent for evaluation or not accepted.

2) Submitting for evaluation according to “double blind review” method, anonymous judgement of at least two reviewers with academic degree in the subject area or notorious knowledge, seeking verification of veracity, originality, importance and quality of the works submitted for publishing. The reviewers will make their considerations regarding the text and, when sent to appreciation by the Editorial Committee, the aforementioned will forward to the authors according to editorial decision. In this step, the text can be accepted as it is, with required proofreading or not accepted.

3) Review by the authors, for text accepted with modifications, the alterations should be highlighted in the text and subsequently forwarded to the Editorial Committee for the final opinion; at this moment, the process will be repeated in order to ensure that the text is without the authors’ identification. In this step, the text can be published or not accepted.


Continuous Flow Publication

Policy of Free Access

This journal offers immediate free access to its contents, according to the principle of making scientific knowledge available for free to the public allows for greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

The Journal background

RASBRAN is a vehicle of dissemination and incentive to scientific knowledge and the research of nutrition in the areas of Sports, Clinic, Collective Catering, Marketing, Food Technology, Collective Health, Education, among others

The last printed and first electronic edition will be a milestone in the process of consolidation for the magazine. Offering an electronic magazine to the scientific community, with lesser costs in comparison to the printed edition, allowing for real-time publishing of the scientific research, offering electronic mechanisms that speed up the process of submitting, review, greater control towards issuing opinions and reading, providing the fast circulation of scientific knowledge and reaching a wide range of readers is the main highlight of such proposal.