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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unprecedented, and is not being evaluated for publishing on another magazine; otherwise, such must be justified in the “Authors’ comments”.
  • The submission’s file format is Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF.
  • The author is responsible for the work and answers for co-authorship included in the aforementioned. The co-authors must be added into the work’s metadata in the submission process.
  • The text follows the style’s norms and bibliographical requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors, in the page About the Journal.
  • In case of submission to a section with peer review (e.g.: articles), the instructions avaliable in Assegurando a avaliação pelos pares cega have been followed.

Author Guidelines

We thank you for choosing to publish your work in our magazine. RASBRAN does not charge the authors any kind of tax of financial contribution for the publishing of articles, reviews or any other kind of text published.

Submission Tutorial, click here!

For submission, it is necessary to follow these criteria:

1) Regarding document submission

a) The magazine is open to submission by researches and professionals in Brazil and abroad, whose work can be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish;

b) The articles must be original, case reports, systematic and integrative reviews, not being allowed the simultaneous submission to other publishers;

c)  Possible conflicts of interest must be informed during the filling of data in the submission. Once the article is accepted for publishing, the author(s) must print and sign the terms of copyright granting and responsibility to include it as an additional document in the article’s submission;

d) The author(s) is (are) responsible for the textual and image contents and must inform the non-previous publishing on another scientific magazine in the country or abroad. While inserting pictures, charts, and figures compiled from the internet, those must be followed by written permission or proof that the aforementioned were found in a portal with unrestricted public access;

e) At the moment of submission through the platform, fill the required information regarding author(s) name(s), biography, institutional affiliation, e-mail and ORCID (, as said data will be shown in the article when published. No other authors will be included after submission;

The identification of the authors, as well as file properties must be removed from the submitted article’s text.

f) The document’s file must be sent in the format “.doc” ou ".docx." (Word for Windows). Files in .PDF format will not be accepted;

g) When submitting the originals, the authors grant the rights of first publishing for the Brazilian Nutrition Association Magazineand accept that their work will be published according to ours Copyright Declaration;

h) RASBRAN does not take responsibility nor endorses opinions expressed by the authors in articles, reinforcing that their opinions are of their exclusive responsibility;

i) The submissions must be prepared according to the documents’ models for formatting. The articles that do not use the model won’t be submitted for evaluation.

2) Concerning ethics and legality

Articles involving clinical trials and other studies with human beings must be sent along with the registry number and Institutional Ethics Committee where it was approved. Illegal studies will not be accepted.

Researches with animals must follow the guidelines of the National Council for Animal Experimentation – CONSEA. The legislation can be found in the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications’ website The adhesion to such principles must be in the article, through registry number and identification of the institutional ethics committee where it was approved.

Foreign authors of articles involving research with humans or animals must refer to their own countries’ legislations and mention in the article the adequacy to the norms and applicable ethical principles, as well as their sources. The compliance to the Helsinki Declaration ( and/or rules laid down by OLAW – USA (Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare - is highly required.

The systematic reviews must use and be suited to the PRISMA (Principais Itens para Relatar Revisões sistemáticas e Meta-análises / Main Items for the Reporting of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis) criteria.

The RASBRAN magazine follows the standards established by ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors). For more useful information regarding the good preparing of an article, read the document “Requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals”, fully available on The main guidelines of the original document are in the manual.

For articles about clinical studies, we suggest following the guidelines established by CONSORT ( CONSORT establishes an item checklist, which makes it easier for authors to verify if their studies is being conducted and reported in a clear, precise, ethical and scientifically valid manner.

3) Regarding the document’s structure and formatting

Below are the orientations regarding the format requirements for the submitted document:

a) paper type: size A4;

b) borders: upper and lower borders 1,5 cm, left and right borders, 2 cm;

c) line spacing: 1,5, except for abstracts in simple space;

d) font: calibri size 12;

e) The images must be in JPEG or TIF extension, with minimum 150 dpi resolution;

f) The figures and charts are identified in the inferior part with indicative title, order number in the text, hyphen and title (e.g.: Frame 1 – Types of nutritional deficiencies). The source of figures and charts created by the article’s author won’t be mentioned;

g) The tables are identified in the upper part with indicative title, order number in the text, hyphen and title (e.g.: Table 1 – Index of nutritional deficiencies). The source of tables created by the article’s author won’t be mentioned;

h) The quotes and references must be in accordance to the Vancouver style.

The structural presentation of an article as it follows:

a) Title;

The article’s title must first come in Portuguese, and then English. Use upper-case only for the first letter of the article’s title, except for words where the use of upper-case and lower-case is made grammatically necessary (acronyms, people’s names, cities, etc.).

b) Author(s)’ Name(s);

The name(s) of the author(s), as well as their data must be registered during the article’s submission process in the magazine’s portal. If the article has more than one author, click on INCLUDE AUTHOR and fill the fields. No other authors will be included after submission of the work.

The name(s) of the author(s) must be omitted in the text’s corpus. To ensure that your article goes through blind review, do not include your name, institution or anything else that can mention you as the author on your essay.

c) Abstract (Portuguese and English);

The abstract must be structured (Goal, Method, Results and Conclusion), with at least 150 words and 250 at most. As in the article’s title, the abstract must be presented first in Portuguese and then in English.

d) Keywords;

The Keywords, which define the study’s subject, must come after the abstract, including at least 3 and at most 6 indexing terms, always in the original publishing language and in English, separated by periods between each. Standardize your describers in Health Sciences, preferentially, in the websites: or

The keywords must be placed right below the abstract.

e) Article text;

The article’s texts must be divided into Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. The article will not have more than 25 pages. It must begin in the same page as the abstracts and keywords.

f) Sections;

The article must not have more than three subsection levels.

g) Images, charts and tables;

The images, charts and tables must receive sequential numbering, following the order of citation. It is recommended that they are placed near to the paragraph they refer to. 

h) Considerations about copyright;

To avoid copyright laws violation, do not use several and extent quotes from a same source, or images previously published without a document of authorization for copyright use. This also refers to images created by the own author, but that have been published on another vehicle, if your copyrights have been transferred to another publisher. Authors that do not give the grant for copyright use will have their articles sent back. We treat copyright law violations rigorously.

i) Acknowledgement;

The acknowledgement to contributions or support received in the development of the article must be added in the end of the main text, after the “References” section under the title “Acknowledgement” (singular). Included in the final version after approval for publishing.

j) References;

The references must follow the Vancouver style. The magazines must be abbreviated according to the “NLM Catalog” ( The references must be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they are quoted in the text. In the following lines, examples of how to organize references according to the Vancouver style:


  1. Baladia E, Basulto J. Sistema de clasificación de los estudios en función de la evidencia científica. Dietética y nutrición aplicada basadas en la evidencia (DNABE): una herramienta para el dietista-nutricionista del futuro. Rev Esp Nutr Hum Diet. 2008;12(1):11-9.
  2. Machado WM, Capelar SM. Avaliação da eficácia e do grau de adesão ao uso prolongado de fibra dietética no tratamento da constipação intestinal funcional. Rev. Nutr. [Internet]. 2010 [acesso em 2020 Fev 14];23(2). Disponível em 00200006&lng=isso&nrm=isso&tlng=pt

 Referencing books and theses;

  1. Gil A. Tratado de Nutrición. 2a ed. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana; 2010.
  2. Silva CLM. Características do suporte nutricional como preditores de sobrevida em pacientes graves [tese]. Rio de Janeiro: Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; 2008.

Referencing websites;

  1. Instituto Nacional do Câncer. Estimativa da Incidência de câncer em 2008 no Brasil e nas cinco regiões (Estimates of cancer incidence in Brazil and the five regions) [Internet]. Rio de Janeiro: INCA; c1996-2007 [acesso em 2017 Dec 10]. Disponível em:
  2. Ministério da Saúde (BR), Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde, Política Nacional de Humanização da Atenção e Gestão do SUS. Acolhimento e classificação de risco nos serviços de urgência [Internet]. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2009. [acesso em 2020 Jul 10]. Disponível em:

The pattern standardized by the National Library of Medicine of the USA must be used. For other types of references, check ou (simplified manual). 

Artigos Originais

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