Ambiente obesogênico universitário: achados de uma cidade brasileira
Introduction: The environment may influence negatively the quality of individuals’ food consumption, constituting the so-called obesogenic environments. The aim of the study was to evaluate the types of food retailers and the availability of foods according to the degree of industrial processing, inside and around the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, at Juiz de Fora, Brazil. Methods: This exploratory study evaluated all food retailers located within a buffer with a 500 meters radius. Data of latitude and longitude of the establishments and information about the sold foods were collected. The establishments were grouped according to their characteristics and the processing level of the most part of the marketed foods. Fisher's exact test were used to test the association between the type of establishment and the degree of processing of the most part of the sold food. To evaluate agglomerations, Kernel density maps were used. Results: The researchers evaluated 39 food retailers, offering predominantly ultra-processed food and concentrated in the center of the studied area. Conclusion: It is observed that the food environment in which students and university employees are exposed can be characterized with a low nutritional quality.
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