A influência de programas brasileiros de transferência de renda na qualidade da dieta e na segurança alimentar dos beneficiários





The study aimed to understand whether the increase in income offered by brazilian programs positively influences the food and nutritional security of participating families, as well as analyzing the quality of the individuals' diet and a possible intensification in the search for foods with lower nutritional values. It was a cross-sectional, descriptive research, with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The final sample consisted of 51 beneficiaries, of both sexes, over 18 years of age, from different regions of Brazil and who had received assistance for more than three months. For data collection, an electronic questionnaire containing twenty-two questions was applied. The results showed that 82% of the beneficiaries were food and nutritional insecurity. Most participants reported that the aid did not interfere with purchase of processed foods and that benefit did not change the family's diet. Regarding food quality, a predominance of basic foods was identified, to detriment of processed foods. It is concluded that programs do not guarantee the SAN of beneficiaries and that they do not interfere with consumption of products considered unhealthy, and this public's diet is based on foods of better nutritional quality.


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How to Cite

Goulart, S., & Domingues do Amaral Ravazzani, E. . (2025). A influência de programas brasileiros de transferência de renda na qualidade da dieta e na segurança alimentar dos beneficiários. Revista Da Associação Brasileira De Nutrição - RASBRAN, 15, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.47320/rasbran.2024.2717



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