Avaliação do efeito do psyllium (plantago ovata) nos sintomas de dor em portadores de fibromialgia


  • Francine Francisco Viana
  • Marília Costa de Araujo Professora Mestre da Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina –UNISUL https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1770-6109
  • Ilse Lisiane Viertel Vieira




Objective: Evaluation of the effect of psyllium (Plantago ovata) in pain symptoms in fibromyalgia carriers. Methods: The study included women with fibromyalgia (FM) enrolled in the waiting list of the Clinic School of Physical Therapy of Unisul. Data were collected from March to May 2017. The Visual Analog Scale (EVA) was used to assess the degree of pain, and the pain frequency was assessed through an objective question. Each patient received 300g of Psyllium to use 10g a day for thirty days. Data were expressed as mean and analyzed statically by analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: A total of 33 FM patients were evaluated, ranging from 31 to 68 years. Before the intervention with psyllium the lowest number in the EVA was 5 (n = 1) and greater 10 (n = 3). After the use of psyllium the smallest number on the scale was 2 (n = 1) and the highest 10 (n = 2). Regarding the frequency ofpain, 75.75% (n = 25) of the patients reported having pain every day before the intervention and 51.51% (n = 17) after. The data from this study showed differences to improve the degree and frequency of pain, but were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Despite not having statistically significant values, it was possible to see improvement in the frequency and degree of pain in some patients.


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How to Cite

Francisco Viana, F. ., Costa de Araujo, M. ., & Viertel Vieira, I. L. (2020). Avaliação do efeito do psyllium (plantago ovata) nos sintomas de dor em portadores de fibromialgia. Revista Da Associação Brasileira De Nutrição - RASBRAN, 11(1), 86–94. https://doi.org/10.47320/rasbran.2020.912



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