Dietary profile and nutritional status of depressive patients treated at a small hospital in southern Santa Catarina


  • Luana Vieira de Souza Acadêmica do curso de nutrição - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
  • Morgana Prá Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina



Depressão, Estado nutricional, Comportamento Alimentar


Objective: To describe the dietary profile and nutritional status of depressed adult patients treated at a small hospital in southern Santa Catarina. Methods: It was performed in a study with depressive women, through questionnaires with questions related to sociodemographic data and eating habits. Weight and height were measured to assess nutritional status. Results: We evaluated 29 women aged 18 to 67 years, with a mean of 42.2 years. Regarding eating habits, a daily caloric intake below the needs was identified by 58.6%, with consumption below the needs in most of the micronutrients Copper, Magnesium and Vitamin B9. Margarine consumption was identified by 37.9% and soft drinks by 34.5% of respondents. Daily intake of fruits was related by less than half (48.3%) and vegetables by 65.5%. He was with an average weight of 74 pounds, with body mass index with high rates of overweight (69%). Conclusion: It was found a high prevalence of overweight not associated with the hypercaloric diet, which could be related to the use of antidepressant drugs or the type of food consumed. Regarding inappropriate eating habits among patients, it can be said which are the best nutritional options, such as healthy eating and be used as an ally in the treatment of the disorder, as well as a better quality of life.


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Author Biography

Morgana Prá, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina

Professora do curso de Nutrição -  Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina


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How to Cite

de Souza, L. V., & Prá, M. (2022). Dietary profile and nutritional status of depressive patients treated at a small hospital in southern Santa Catarina. Revista Da Associação Brasileira De Nutrição - RASBRAN, 12(4), 4–17.



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